Subtle Rules of Life

I am making a blog to account for things I do not write each day but should. Not for me, but for the benefit of mankind.

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Location: Boston, MA, United States

Friday, June 12, 2009

During my search ...

I saw this ad and wanted to punch my monitor:

“hey im looking for a weight bench whit weights and dumbells to buy if u think u have 1 in good conditions (not old and rusted)can contact me at im looking to buy now so plz contact me A.S.A.P thnak you”

He was apparently too busy to stop and re-read the sentence he just wrote out to thousands of people. If I wanted to give away what this guy was willing to pay for I still wouldn’t tell him. If you ask me why I'm offended by it, I really can't tell you. It's not that I don't get the basic message of the post, but I'm still offended that he couldn't take an extra 30 seconds to make it clear for everyone else. Maybe it's the self-centered/instant gratificationess of it. I think our ability to communicate in so many different ways is actually devolving us from communicating in a unified, competent way. Everyone’s in such a hurry to text each other back and forth that they don’t really say anything worth noting. Text message conversations consist primarily of abbreviated salutations and location notices. (“wht r u up 2?” and “nuthin – com ovr l8r”) I saw my niece’s phone the other day and her friend’s opening text read, “i am starving.” That’s considered a conversation piece now.


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