Subtle Rules of Life

I am making a blog to account for things I do not write each day but should. Not for me, but for the benefit of mankind.

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Location: Boston, MA, United States

Monday, October 10, 2005

Are parents capable of understanding? Some say no.

You know what song keeps going through my head? Parents Just Don't Understand. The third act in particular. The girl says, "How do I know you're not sick? You could be some deranged lunatic." She says this after she has already gotten in the car, but nevertheless, she's got a good point. Why should she drive with him, anyway? Will Smith crushes her argument, however, with two points of his own. 1) His name is The Prince. 2) Would a lunatic drive a Porsche like the one he's driving? Answer: No. Lunatics are crazy, therefore, anyone who's homicidal can't possibly put three words together to make a sentence, nevermind drive. Apparently they see eye-to-eye on these two statements, so they pull away.

It seems like an open and shut case, but upon further analysis, I think the logic here is somewhat flawed. Sometimes people are so rich they become crazy and kill people for fun. Certainly, when one is that rich, one has the means to afford a respectable automobile. So in this case, then yes, a lunatic WOULD drive a Porsche like that. And to the former point of him proving he's not crazy -- "My name is The Prince" -- people very rarely have the word "the" in front of his or her name, in fact, I would say crazy people are more likely to have it. But he also calls himself the Prince -- some sort of narcissistic urge to be royalty, I guess. Humorous in the song, but telling others you're part of divine lineage when you actually live in a poor area is a trait of the crazy. So upon further inspection, neither answer is really very assuring, is it. In fact, both answers would lead one to believe more than before that he actually IS crazy.

And last but not least, if you're truly a "lunatic" would you be aware of it? I'd say no. If you were aware of your being mentally unbalanced, then you wouldn't be mentally unbalanced. I won't go into the whole buying-really-cheap-school-clothes-yet-affording-a-Porsche thing. I think the song is just plain flawed.


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